Haftalık Dizi Listesi 13.02-19.02.2012

13.02.2012 Pazartesi

luck-poster   MV5BMTY4NzA1MDAyMF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzQ4MTkxNA@@._V1._SY317_  220px-TheWalkingDeadAfiş

Lost Girl S02E16

Luck S01E03

The Walking Dead S02E08

14.02.2012 Salı

alcatraz  AR84PNI3tT  1600194

Alcatraz S01E06

Castle S04E15

Hawaii Five-0 S02E16

15.02.2012 Çarşamba

ringer-1  TheRiver  unforgettable-1

Ringer S01E13

The River S01E03

Unforgettable S01E15

17.02.2012 Cuma

  15  The-Secret-Circle-1  Person-of-Interest-728897  the-mentalist_125022

The Vampire Diaries S03E15

The Secret Circle S01E15

Person Of Interest S01E15

The Mentalist S04E15

18.02.2012 Cumartesi

Star Wars - The Clone WarsNikita2564304-a_gifted_man_poster_01_largeFringel_1442449_810562f0

The Clone Wars S04E19

Nikita S02E15

A Gifted Man S01E14

Fringe S04E13

Spartacus S02E04

Haftanın Dizi Listesi 06.02-12.02.2012

06.02.2012 Pazartesi

Luck S01E02

07.02.2012 Salı

Alcatraz S01E05

Hawaii Five-O S02E15

08.02.2012 Çarşamba

Ringer S01E12

Unforgettable S01E14

10.02.2012 Cuma

The Vampire Diaries S03E14

The Secret Circle S01E14

Person Of Interest S01E14

The Mentalist S04E14

11.02.2012 Cumartesi

The Clone Wars S04E18

Nikita S02E14

Fringe S04E12

Spartacus S02E03